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              1. <blockquote id='q5kNVG'><q id='q5kNVG'><noscript id='q5kNVG'></noscript><dt id='q5kNVG'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='q5kNVG'><i id='q5kNVG'></i>
                HYDRO-BIOS: ICES Incubator
                Category: ICES Incubator
                Art.No.: 450 000
                Keywords: ICES, ICES Incubator
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                The ICES Incubator consists of an illuminated transparent plexiglass tank incorporating a turning wheel on which 12 experimental bottles can be clamped. The tank is filled with water which is set in motion by an adjustable circulating pump. Thus the turning wheel is set in rotation at speeds up to 10 rpm with the experimental bottles acting as paddles. Tank connections for a second water circulation allow for temperature adjustments of the water by using external tempering equipment.

                The 12 experimental bottles of 50 ml capacity each have different optical coatings, so that each bottle has individual transmission rates and thus generating a number of 12 different irradiance (or light intensity) levels.

                The illumination unit is equipped with 10 fluorescent tubes with a wave spectrum according to ICES specifications, each can be switched individually. For higher irradiance levels a second illumination unit can be mounted onto the ground plate of the ICES Incubator.