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                COMPANY PROFILE
                COMPANY PROFILE

                Qingdao Watertools Technology Co., Ltd. is a company who committed to introducing international advanced oceanographic technique for Chinese users. Our mission is to "Make Global High-quality Marine Science And Technology Products Within Reach". Watertools  adhering to the business philosophy of "customer-centric, creating value for customers", and committed to providing high-quality products and professional services to users of research institutes and universities across the China.

                With the development tenet of “connecting products and customers with professional and efficient services”, Watertools constantly introduces high-quality marine instruments and advanced marine technology to provide more stable technical application solutions for users . Up to now, the company has reached a stable cooperative relationship with nearly 30 well-known marine instrument manufacturers around the world, and is constantly discovering new manufacturers and new marine research technology solutions. The development of watertools has profoundly affected the exploration process of marine scientific research and opened up a broader prospect for the Chinese marine industry.

                Watertools supplies include:

                Multi Water Samplers

                Single Water Samplers

                Sediment Samplers

                Biological sampling equipment

                Multiple Plankton Sampler

                Manta Net

                Microplastic Pump



                Multi Sediment Trap


                Multiparameter Sonde

                Underwater in-situ Nutrient Salt Analyzers

                pCO2 BUOY Analyzer

                FerryBox autonomous measuring system


                In addition, Watertools pioneered the establishment of equipment leasing services to meet the needs of customers to a greater extent.

                To become the most professional technology solution provider in the marine industry is the long-term goal of Watertools. Since the establishment of the Watertools brand, it has continuously held road shows and training sessions related to new marine technologies, and actively participated in industry exhibitions, which have won unanimous praise from major maritime research institutes and universities.

                Watertools' professional technical team provides customers with a stable technical guarantee, and is equipped with corresponding professional technical teams for customers in different research fields, so that customers can worry free!

                Oceanographic research, Watertools is with you!