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              1. <blockquote id='Ev9KCR'><q id='Ev9KCR'><noscript id='Ev9KCR'></noscript><dt id='Ev9KCR'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='Ev9KCR'><i id='Ev9KCR'></i>
                HYDRO-BIOS: Industrial Water Sampler
                Category: PMMA Water Sampler
                Art.No.: 436 152
                Keywords: Industrial, Industrial Water Sampler
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                The Industrial Water Sampler is a specialised version of the Standard Water Sampler acc. to Ruttner. It has been developed to meet the demands for more accurate chemical analysis of water samples. The inside of the sampling tube is completely metal-free and thus tests for the determination of trace elements are possible. The Industrial Water Sampler (whilst open) is lowered by rope into the water. Upon reaching the desired depth, the messenger activated closing mechanism is released and closes the lids of the sampling tube. To retrieve the water sample for analyses only the discharge hose at the lower lid has to be opened. In contrast to the Standard Water Sampler acc. to Ruttner the Industrial Water Sampler is not equipped with a thermometer.