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                KC-Denmark: Formalin Washout System
                Category: Formalin Washout System
                Art.No.: 21.100
                Keywords: Formalin Washout System
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                Wash out system made of AISI 316 stainless steel with 6 pcs cylindrical containers, which can be detached separately. Capacity each, app. 2,0 L. Each container has a separate tap.

                On the side a rectangular hole covered by a 500 μm net made of steel. A handle on each container ensures easy and safe handling.

                On top is welded a threaded module ring, ?180 mm, and the detachable top has a welded laser cut plate with a 500 μm net (steel).

                The bottom of the conical container is a plate of 10 mm covered by a 3 mm plate with holes, ?4 mm, covered by a 500 μm net.

                The containers are connected via a tube rack placed in a vessel made of 2 mm AISI 316 stainless steel plate. A pipe stub for water supply and a stub for emptying the vessel.