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                ?KC-Denmark: Plankton net ?50 cm
                Category: International Standard Plankton Sampler
                Art.No.: 23.021
                Keywords: Plankton net
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                Outer diameter. 50 cm

                Length of net: 200 cm

                Length, overall: 280 cm

                Mesh size: 50 - 500 μm, order no. 23.020 or 20-40 μm 23.020A, please specify upon order.

                Inclusive net bucket 23.021

                The upper part of the net is made of strong Beaver nylon. Standard mounting with 3 pcs. of polyester line ?5 mm. with bridles, length 80 cm.

                The conical net bag with an upper diameter of 50 cm and a length of 200 cm is made of Monodur Nytal (Nylon) 50 to 500 μm. order no. 23.020 or 20-40 μm 23.020A.The sample can be removed through a valve at the bottom of the sample cylinder.Plankton nets are available in all types and sizes.