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                HYDRO-BIOS: LIMNOS Water Sampler
                Category: Glass Water Sampler
                Art.No.: 436 140
                Keywords: LIMNOS, LIMNOS Water Sampler, Water Sampler
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                The LIMNOS Water Sampler is an approved and uncomplicated instrument to take water samples up to 30 m depth. It consists of the holder device to hold two exchangeable 1000 ml glass bottles as sampling vessels. The LIMNOS Water Sampler is attached to a wire and lowered into the water in closed condition in order to prevent sample contamination by surface water. An ingeniously simple technique is used to keep the sampler closed during descent: Two silicone hoses are fixed in bent position. The sampler is activated by a messenger upon reaching the desired water depth. When the messenger hits the anvil, the silicone hoses spring up allowing water to ingress and air to drain the bottle. For transport and investigation of the samples, the glass bottles are simply unscrewed from the holder and closed with a lid. This avoids falsification of the sample by pouring it from one vessel to another.



                LIMNOS Water Sampler




                436 140   LIMNOS水样采集器




                436 145   玻璃采样瓶


                440 002   塑料包被的使锤

                1.M. Raateoja1, J. Sepp?l?1, H. Kuosa2,2004.Bio-optical modelling of primary production in the SW Finnish coastal zone, Baltic Sea: fast repetition rate fluorometry in Case 2 waters.Marine Ecology Progress Series.267:9-26.
                2.Rossberg, Marcelo; Wickham, Stephen A.,2008.Ciliate vertical distribution and diel vertical migration in a eutrophic lake.Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie.171:1-14.
                3.Hans Ulrik Riisg?rd, Coralie Barth-Jensen and Caroline V. Madsen,2010.High abundance of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita excludes the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi to establish in a shallow cove (Kertinge Nor, Denmark).Aquatic Invasions.5(4):doi: 10.3391/ai.2010.5.4.
                4.David A. Strand, Arne Holst-Jensen, Hildegunn Viljugrein, Bente Edvardsen, Dag Klaveness, Japo Jussila, Trude Vr?lstad,2011.Detection and quantification of the crayfish plague agent in natural waters: direct monitoring approach for aquatic environments.Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.95:9-17.
                5.Iria Durán, Oscar Nieto,2012.Water characterization in three industrialized harbours (Vigo, Bilbao and Pasajes) in North Coast of Spain.Marine Pollution Bulletin.64(2):410-415.
                6.Christopher O. Miles, Morten Sandvik, Sigrid Haande, Hezron Nonga, and Andreas Ballot,2013.LC-MS Analysis with Thiol Derivatization to Differentiate [Dhb7]- from [Mdha7]-Microcystins: Analysis of Cyanobacterial Blooms, Planktothrix Cultures and European Crayfish from Lake Steinsfjorden, Norway.Environ. Sci. Technol..47(9):4080–4087.

                更多关〓键字: LIMNOS水样采集器,采水器,水质采样︽器〖, 玻璃采水器,水体采样,德国HYDRO-BIOS公司