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                HYDRO-BIOS: Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen
                Category: Dredge Grab
                Art.No.: 437 33x
                Keywords: Van Veen, Bottom Sampler
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                The Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen is a qualitative sampler to achieve low-disturbed sediment samples in soft or medium hard grounds from any desired depth. It consists of two clamshell jaws connected by a hinge. During descent both levers are locked wide apart and the jaws are open. Upon touching the water bed the locking mechanism is released and when the rope is pulled taut to raise the sampler the jaws close. During retrieval the jaws are holding the sample and prevent sample wash-out. Additional flaps on top of the heavy version 437 333 allow to inspect the sample before retrieving.


                德国HYDRO-BIOS公司——Van Veen采泥器

                Bottom Sampler acc. to Van Veen

                1549079265688242fP1J.jpg               1549079266688242dISn.jpg

                用Van Veen采泥器(抓斗式采泥器)可以从任意想要的深度进行采样。在它被沉入水中过程中,两根杆被锁定,并且离得很远,采泥口处于打开」状态。当它与水床接触时,闭合器被释放;当绳缆被〖拉紧并向上拉动时,采泥器口就会关闭∑ 。如下图:


                             闭合状态                                                打开状态

                Van Veen采泥器(抓斗式采泥器)订购信息:

                437 330 Van Veen采泥器
                   尺寸20×30×60 cm,重量5kg
                437 332 Van Veen采泥器
                   尺寸35×42×90 cm,重量22kg

                437 333 Van Veen采泥器
                   尺寸36×45×90 cm,带配█重铅块,总重量35kg(无配重)/60kg(25kg配重)

                Van Veen采≡泥器照片集:



                Van Veen采泥器

                Van Veen采泥器



                打开状╳态的Van Veen采泥器

                关闭状态★的Van Veen采泥器


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