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              1. <blockquote id='MRzfaB'><q id='MRzfaB'><noscript id='MRzfaB'></noscript><dt id='MRzfaB'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='MRzfaB'><i id='MRzfaB'></i>
                HYDRO-BIOS: High Speed Plankton Collector ”Nackthai”
                Category: International Standard Plankton Sampler
                Art.No.: 438 410
                Keywords: Nackthai, High Speed Plankton Collector
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                The High Speed Plankton Collector ”Nackthai” has been developed to catch mobile organisms with increased efficiency. It consists of a 150 cm long net bag, protected by a robust but light-weight tube frame with conical nose of 20 cm inlet diameter. Three plastic fins guarantee for stable orientation during the operation.

                A 22 kg V-Fin depressor is used to create negative lift at the instrument. For easy retrieval the sample is concentrated inside a removable plastic net bucket with side window (covered with sieve gauze).

                The “Nackthai” can be used together with one Mechanical Flow Meter to measure the filtered water volume. No bridles or other towing devices precede the mouth of the net so that organisms are not being “warned”. The mouth opening of the net is unobstructed. Due to the low weight of the frame the “Nackthai” can easily be handled even under rough weather conditions. It can be towed at up to 8 knots.