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              1. <blockquote id='XPaL2M'><q id='XPaL2M'><noscript id='XPaL2M'></noscript><dt id='XPaL2M'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='XPaL2M'><i id='XPaL2M'></i>
                HYDRO-BIOS: Multiple Plankton Sampler
                Category: Multiple?Plankton Sampler
                Art.No.: 438 1xx
                Keywords: MultiNet,Plankton Sampler,
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                Smart Sampling at its best – with the improved MultiNet generation of the Multiple Plankton Sampler, the world’s leading sampling system for horizontal, oblique and vertical collections in successive water layers. The MultiNet can be delivered in 4 sizes (apertures): Mini (0.125 m2), Midi (0.25 m2), Maxi (0.5 m2) and Mammoth (1 m2). Depending on the model 5 or 9 net bags are attached to the stainless steel frame with strong canvas part by means of zip fasteners. The net bags are opened and closed by means of levers which are triggered by a battery powered Motor Unit. The commands for actuation of the net bags are given via single or multi-conductor cable between the Underwater Unit and the included Deck Command Unit. A wide selection of mesh sizes for the net bags is available to meet the requirements of all standard and non-standard applications. For common horizontal collections a mesh size of 300 microns is recommended (mesh sizes from 100 to 780 microns available), for vertical collections mesh sizes from 55 to 780 microns are applicable. For mesh sizes below 100 microns it is recommended to use an enhanced net bag (for example a double-layered net bag: one with 55 microns plus one with 300 microns ).