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                ?KC-Denmark: Ring Trawl Net
                Category: International Standard Plankton Sampler
                Art.No.: 23.400
                Keywords: Ring trawl, Ring Trawl Net
                Supplier: Qingdao Watertools Technology?Co., Ltd.

                A. 3 pcs. ?6 mm polyester rope with bridle and snap hook, rope length 100 cm.
                B. Net ring of AISI 316 stainless steel tubing with 3 pcs. of loops for bridle and 2 pcs. of loops for digital counter placed in the middle of the mouth.
                Mouth diameter is ?100 cm. = 0,785 m2
                C. AISI 316 stainless steel clamping fíxture.
                D. The conical net part consists of synthetic material 500 μm Monodur Nytal net, length 3 m.
                E. AISI 316 stainless steel clamping fixture.
                F. One plastic net bucket with 4 side windows covered by stainless steel sieve. A clamping fixture fastens the bucket.
                The net parts are available in all other meshes too.From 100 to 500 μm mesh there is no change in price.